Penguins left afloat on an iceberg
Majestic Star gets the slots license.
Now that the new arena deal has been ripped away by the Gaming Control Board and given to Majestic Star's Don Barden has a birthday present, Penguins fans are now crying into their morning oatmeal and wondering what will happen to their team.
Well, I know I am.
The supposed 'Plan B' now on the table is a guideline for a new arena to be built with a contribution by the new casino, the rest being picked up by the Penguins, the state of Pennsylvania, my dog Murphy, the cast of Fraggle Rock, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Majestic Star has said that they will contribute 7.5 Mil over 30 years to a new place for the Pens, and that is certainly better than nothing, but it's not as good as a fully funded arena. The Penguins aren't the Rangers (thank heavens), they don't have that kind of money laying around, especially with two big contracts coming up next year (Fleury and Crosby). With no clear ownership on the table, other than the steadfast Mario and Co., it's a tough time for the Pens.
Also, I just realized that my prediction for the Blues game last night was almost completely backwards of my hope...with one point worse.
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